SARMs, short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, are a group of compounds with anabolic properties.  They include MK-2866, LGD-4033, RAD-140, YK-11, S4 and other compounds.

Cardarine review benefits and dosage

A guide to Cardarine: Review, benefits and dosage

Cardarine, also known as GW501516 or Endurobol, was initially developed in the 1990s by GlaxoSmithKline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals as a potential treatment for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. While its development was eventually halted due to concerns about its safety, the compound has since gained popularity among athletes and fitness enthusiasts for its potential effects on …

A guide to Cardarine: Review, benefits and dosage Read More »

YK-11 is it a SARM or steroid

YK-11: Is it a powerful SARM or a steroid?

YK-11 is the only SARM that has a steroidal structure and the only SARM that also acts as a myostatin inhibitor. In this post, we will review YK-11 and inform you about the benefits, side-effects, dosage and cycle recommendations of this unusual SARM.

Ostarine a guide to MK-2866

Ostarine Unleashed: A guide to MK-2866

MK-2866, also known as Ostarine, is the most popular SARM on the market. In this guide, we will cover all aspects of this SARM, its benefits, side-effects, dosage information.

Top 5 best SARM stacks

5 Best SARM stacks for bulking, cutting and beginners

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have gained significant popularity in recent years, especially among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. They offer a wide range of benefits, from muscle growth and fat loss to enhanced performance and endurance. It is common practice within the bodybuilding scene to combine multiple compounds in a cycle, also known as stacking. …

5 Best SARM stacks for bulking, cutting and beginners Read More »

MK-677 benefits, dosage and cycles

The complete MK677 guide: Benefits, dosage and cycles

If you’re searching for a way to improve your muscle growth, sleep quality, and recovery, MK677, also known as Ibutamoren, might be the solution you’re seeking. This powerful compound has gained popularity in the bodybuilding and fitness communities for its numerous benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into MK677, focusing on the essential …

The complete MK677 guide: Benefits, dosage and cycles Read More »

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